
Conscious Men Guilty Of Misogyny

Yup. You spent all that time meticulously crafting those wonderful, beautiful apologies. You spent cumulative weeks in front of your webcam, stressing over which particular hat most sensitively expresses your spiritual unity with the divine feminine. And did the mortal Goddesses even acknowledge your strenuous efforts to absolve yourselves of original sin (i.e. the crime of being born male)?

Gay Hendricks and Arjuna Ardagh are Not Faggots

However, in the hope that the two of you, Gay and Arjuna, may read this, I will address the rest of this piece to you personally. And I will commence by telling you that the word “faggot,” in this context, when applied to you gentlemen is no comment on your sexuality. No, the usage of “faggot” here is implying that you are weak, ineffectual, sycophantic, approval seeking suck-holes.

Joseph Biden’s Abuse Fantasy Tour

Mr. Biden claims the real cause of domestic violence is the “attitude of how society views women as chattel.” Of course women in our society benefit from all the legal rights as men, and enjoy endless choices and opportunities. So is Biden’s use of the word chattel to be considered absurd, inflammatory — or merely silly?