
Men’s Studies: The Complete Freak Show

Paying attention to the issues of homosexuals and the transgendered has its place in modern culture, but to use that agenda to play a part in hoodwinking people into believing you are addressing the lives of men in general demonstrates a deficit in integrity and a pathological drive to ensure the problems of the great majority of men and boys are either ignored or exacerbated, or both.

Michael Kimmel Defends NOMAS, Misandry and the Promotion of Bigotry

Recently I posted an open letter to Dr. Robert Brannon of the National Organization of Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) regarding their upcoming conference on men and masculinity.  The letter was also sent to Dr. Brannon via Email. In it, I expressed concerns over what appears to be positions and activities by NOMAS that are in diametric opposition …

Michael Kimmel Defends NOMAS, Misandry and the Promotion of Bigotry Read More »

An Open Letter to Robert Brannon of NOMAS

To: Robert Brannon, Professor Emeritus, Brooklyn College, Co founder- NOMAS Dear Dr. Brannon, I just received a notification that your organization, the National Organization of Men Against Sexism (NOMAS), has announced it’s 35th National Conference on Men and Masculinity in partnership with the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). I share an active interest in the same issues …

An Open Letter to Robert Brannon of NOMAS Read More »

VAWA- Corrupt Law and Joe Biden’s Abusive Sister

The Associated Press recently reported that on Tuesday, September 29th women’s groups gathered at the home of Vice President Joe Biden to celebrate the 15th anniversary of The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), legislation authored by then Senator Biden aimed at ending violence against women. The party also signaled an opening day of sorts, as …

VAWA- Corrupt Law and Joe Biden’s Abusive Sister Read More »


Most of the mental health related “helping professions” e.g., psychotherapists, social workers, psychologists and counselors, have a code of ethics that guides their professional conduct. They are sworn, supposedly at the risk of their professional licenses, to follow the ethical mandates of that code in regard to how they conduct their practices and in their …

ALLABOUTCOUNSELING.COM- All About Misandry Read More »

APA- Virginia Tech Was a ‘Guy Thing’

On April 16th, 2007 Seung-Hui Cho went on a shooting rampage at Virginia Polytechnic and State University killing 32 people, committing the deadliest incident of its kind in American history. In the aftermath, as the nation struggled for answers, fingers were pointed everywhere, mostly at campus security failures and gun control. Though many would agree …

APA- Virginia Tech Was a ‘Guy Thing’ Read More »