What is Gender Equality? It’s not about treating men and women the same
At 16:53 on 12 January 2010, a severe (magnitude 7.0) earthquake struck Haiti. The centre was just 25 km from the capital, Port-au-Prince. Three million people – a third of the country’s population – were affected. The area around Port-au-Prince was devastated. Roads were blocked, communications and electric power were down so that little food …
What is Gender Equality? It’s not about treating men and women the same Read More »
Classic Elam: Fuck You, Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce has a new brand of feminism that we are all supposed to sign on to. It’s about shaming men sexually, controlling them and discussing women’s rights without even mentioning men’s rights. Uh, wait a minute. This is strangely familiar, isn’t it?
Two Feminist Fallacies
The crosshairs fallacy springs from a childish belief that the vital force of the non-feminist revolution concentrates in a point source — for example, a certain community of websites
Equality? What exactly do you mean by that?
Equality is not quite the simple concept feminists would have you believe.
Men’s Rights versus Feminism explained using magnets
Men’s Rights activists seek to bring awareness to how men are acted upon by society, acted upon by other men and acted upon by women. They are opposed by feminists who think that bringing attention to how men are acted upon will take something away from women. Alison Tieman explains the dynamics in this video with the help of a few magnets.