
Dreamin’ of the Revolution: A Post-Feminist Man Gives the Wheel a Spin

[box]If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine. – Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara[/box] With all this talk of revolution I’ve been casting my mind forward to 2020, when some say the misandry bubble will have burst and the male will have regained primacy in society, at least politically. I’m …

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Arguing for Male Rights in Bizzarro World

As a men’s rights activist, I’ve written dozens or articles and produced a number of videos addressing various aspects of men’s rights, or the lack thereof, in our society. Recently, I was publicly critical of a national post article advocating the sexual mutilation of male infants – and a YouTube subscriber who shares my views …

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Conservative Misandry

The Victorian “angel in the house” is still alive and well in today’s world and nowhere does this appear to be more true than in the churches today. Never pausing for a brief moment to consider that the cherished idea of chivalry and men as soldiers allows women to live in a civilized world with special perks, the declaration of women as the more civilized & moral sex is shouted from many a pulpit today.

Chivalry Gone Awry

An interesting conversation has been taking place on Dalrock’s blog recently on the topic of chivalry, which sex provides more selfless help, and what words should be used to highlight the difference in help between men and women. Chivalry has been the word proposed and the word used but for a variety of reasons I …

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