Feminist Lies

Walk a Mile in My Shoes?

When women talk about shoes, I don’t suppose a lot of them have these images in mind. While they are buying a pair of the latest fashionable boots from the hottest ‘designer of the moment’, many families are affected and grieving for the men who have donned, and lost life and limb, in his particular footwear.

Amanda Marcotte: Liberal Head, Bigoted Heart

In Marcotte’s article, she indulges the liberal/feminist fallacy that the enthusiasm for sculpting the kind of muscular, traditionally masculine physiques you see on Men’s Health covers is symptomatic of some kind of homoerotic attraction/repulsion complex. Her inability to cope with difference blinds her to the obvious; men’s bodies react differently to exercise from women’s.

An Introduction and a Challenge

Paul Elam has asked me to take a managerial role on this site, and I have accepted. That does not mean I will be proofing articles for spelling and grammar, as I know myself to be unqualified for that task. I will be developing and coordinating projects, some of which will reach outside the limits of this site. Paul and I agree that continued success of this movement will be driven by participation from MRA’s with the courage and intelligence to act.

SlutWalks: Stupidity in a Tube Top

Ah, but we really can’t. Not with any real concern for women who actually are victims of rape. Personally, considering men are the more frequent but utterly ignored victims of rape, and with the epidemic of false rape accusations and corrupt prosecutions becoming just as pervasive, my interest in women who get raped any more is somewhere near as intense as my interest in cake decorating and midget wrestling.