Proof positive that feminists don’t care about women
Robert shows us how feminists ignore a serious problem facing women in the developing world in favor of spending time and money on trivial gender concerns.
The World’s Fastest Patriarchy Disproof
AVfM welcomes 17 year old Josh O’Brien, who has already figured out that the “Patriarchy” myth of privileging men over women is, well, a myth. When youngsters are already figuring it out for themselves, we have hope that this hateful notion will die within our lifetimes.
Gender Tribalism
One thing that never ceases to amaze is how often prescient writers predicted where we’d be today, but were ignored at the time. This essay from the 1990s by Peter Schwartz explores the issues from a philosophical Objectivist position.
A men’s rights activist’s response to a woman’s take on the men’s rights movement
Hi, Hannah Cox. I’m Hannah Wallen. We haven’t met and you’ve probably never heard of me, but no worries. I’m not all that familiar with you either, and you really only ended up on my radar after someone sent me a link to your FEE stories post, “A Woman’s Take On the Men’s Rights Movement.” …
A men’s rights activist’s response to a woman’s take on the men’s rights movement Read More »
The inflated definition of misogyny
It’s easy, and pretty common, to charge MRA’s with being conspiracy nuts. But that is in a topsy-turvey world where feminists see patriarchal machinations and oppression around every corner.