
The fatherhood effect

You should be very careful when talking to kids. Responsibility is an obligation; an availability; an act of listening, taking account. The only time we listen to our children is when we need evidence to correct and control them.

Dreamin’ of the Revolution: A Post-Feminist Man Gives the Wheel a Spin

[box]If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine. – Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara[/box] With all this talk of revolution I’ve been casting my mind forward to 2020, when some say the misandry bubble will have burst and the male will have regained primacy in society, at least politically. I’m …

Dreamin’ of the Revolution: A Post-Feminist Man Gives the Wheel a Spin Read More »

The Irrationality of Feminism: Remembering the Sokal Affair

On publication of his paper Sokal exposed his hoax in the journal Lingua Franca. The editors of Social Text immediately cried foul and added a misplaced criticism of Sokal’s writing style. They missed the point, entirely. Sokal’s intent was to write badly (and think badly) yet have his poor scholarship overlooked due to its superficial accordance with leftist ideology.