Dancing With My Lady
Imagine if you can, visually, a task that requires you to insert a round rubber stub 1 inch diameter by ½ inch long into a tube that will hold it in place while you drill through it and repeat this task ten thousand times.
Imagine if you can, visually, a task that requires you to insert a round rubber stub 1 inch diameter by ½ inch long into a tube that will hold it in place while you drill through it and repeat this task ten thousand times.
I believe that poverty, class distinction, and freedom itself are not metered by material wealth but by the repeating resonance of “no”. It is clear that we assemble cars better than we assemble people.
I wouldn’t argue for a minute that there aren’t violent assholes out there that will rape, rob, beat and murder. I wouldn’t even argue the fact that most are men and that they are gang members.
It’s one of those game scenarios where the partner tries to control the outcome and control all the credits so you can’t alter the game. But when the game score is negatively affected you have to eat the shit for it, because you have no real patriarchal power.
Just know that for the Genders to exist requires collaboration. If you have a crack instead of a penis and are challenged by this statement it’s called fucking and if you can’t afford your own test tube you will have to go the old fashion route.
It is curious to consider that rape for a woman does not represent a biological contradiction to her utility as it would and does for a male victim of rape. Yet we pay the male victim no fare. This ethical contradiction suggests that female rape may be better represented as a property crime. It may be better simply to issue rape insurance to women as some governments are now offering the payout. Once privatized, behaviors that may contribute to the occurrence can be scrutinized by female executive peers who may be wildly unimpressed with slut-walks and more diligent with their ethics.
Everything you know comes from your brain. It’s like a library, but before you can know something your brain has to get the information, it has to put books on its shelves. Your brain collects information your whole life and stores it in your library, in your brain. Just like a library you can’t read all the books at the same time, so when you wonder about something or become curious your brain will check to see if it has information that it can give you.
That’s the magic for kids in sports. First you try and eventually succeed, but once you succeed you’re immediately confronted with what comes next. For those who don’t recognize the process it’s called life. Long before ever mentioning the politics of a team effort, at some point kids need to learn to make an effort and why. It’s the reward of being challenged and challenging yourself till you do succeed.
I’m going to sell tickets for 10 bucks each (my real plan is to try and entertain about 60 bucks out of each guy that attends) I’m going to apply for an event liquor license and sell beer at a 1.50 profit. How much beer can 50 guys drink? Kegs will help.
If you haven’t had enough of the argument over the “nature vs. nurture” crap, feel free to throw this into the mix. Personally I think it’s a pile of bullshit opinion comparable to a can of nuts, bolts, washers and screws. They all look worthwhile and if you dig long enough you might find the right size or the right fit, that’s why you will never throw them out, you just never know and they’re shiny.