Some thoughts on honesty and sex
Now I do know that in an irregular kind of way, missing those magic moments to contemplate the universe or read an insightful edition of COSMO just before 8 am may lead to a day of being full of shit.
Now I do know that in an irregular kind of way, missing those magic moments to contemplate the universe or read an insightful edition of COSMO just before 8 am may lead to a day of being full of shit.
Another unchallenged predator that believes her privilege is somehow God given, and unable to see the sickness of her beliefs. But in a reversal of gender she would immediately see the damage and the crime.
I discovered after moving in that in fact she had left her husband and 3 children to live with and continue a sexual relationship with her foster son. I discovered this from the boy, not the woman.
What is the standard for a woman? Please tell me what standard in this culture, this thing we call civilization, that we hold women accountable to. Well? You may not actually be able to answer that question at all.
You should be very careful when talking to kids. Responsibility is an obligation; an availability; an act of listening, taking account. The only time we listen to our children is when we need evidence to correct and control them.
Did you hear that trigger click while you were reciting your rational ethics? The next time I have to tell you to shut up it’ll be a bullet to the head, now get on the train.
Given the moves in the UK to financially empower the accusation mill princesses, I’m wondering when they’ll start assigning the tuition fees of “victims” to the falsely accused as restitution.
If ever the people rise up in a single voice and say “enough,” they need to first consider who should be listening to them. The phantasm we refer to as the “Government” doesn’t really exist. Bureaucrats are another matter entirely.
You believed you were safe and protected and you want those beliefs back. But you can’t get it from the people you believed would protect you, because they didn’t.” Anger is the best defense to protect any innocence that remains.
If I am a man that can determine that my relationship is unhealthy and wish to opt out, how do I avoid the warfare that the system and its institutions impose on me? If I do not feel obligated to work it out, how can I leave without being pulled into a war?