John Hembling (JtO)

Gay Hendricks and Arjuna Ardagh are Not Faggots

However, in the hope that the two of you, Gay and Arjuna, may read this, I will address the rest of this piece to you personally. And I will commence by telling you that the word “faggot,” in this context, when applied to you gentlemen is no comment on your sexuality. No, the usage of “faggot” here is implying that you are weak, ineffectual, sycophantic, approval seeking suck-holes.

Descent Into Madness, and Marc Lepine

Social commentators continue to regurgitate the popular message that men are failures for opting out of marriage version 2.0 – where women (but not men) can exit at any time, retaining their partner’s income while disposing of his person. This message coupled with various imperatives to man up and be the cash, labour and sperm dispenser that would make a Victorian era patriarch proud. The nearly universal message that any male self actualization not of utility to a woman is shameful.

Women and Trust, The Ugly Truth

Women presently hold almost absolute control of the courts, the education system, the entertainment industry, the government, the family courts, and the police. That is not to suggest women hold the majority of jobs in those fields, rather, female-centric ideology is the dominating narrative. This wouldn’t be a problem, except that this female centric ideology includes a deep and irrational hatred towards men.