Men’s Rights

Abuse Industry Paves the Royal Road to the Welfare State

In a little-publicized move, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently approved a bill that creates a new multi-million dollar entitlement. Signed into law during the waning months of his second term, Senate Bill 782 bans landlords from kicking out scofflaw tenants who are victims of domestic violence. The law defines a domestic violence victim as any …

Abuse Industry Paves the Royal Road to the Welfare State Read More »

The End of Men

As to contempt for traditional masculinity, I have none. I don’t even know that anyone can tell me what it means (though many try). I’ll save my contempt for stupidity and chosen blindness. Let the “patriarch’s” of the word have their folly. It matters not to me. I will be busy surviving as they march themselves and their unfortunate progeny into the grinding halls of family justice. We’ll call it intellectual culling, and the world will be better for it.