
How to Break a Dialectic

The transition from second to third wave has not made feminism any less hostile or hateful. This was a superficial change, a rhetorical rejigging – the plastering of makeup onto the public face for public consumption. While the feminists of the second wave openly admitted to hating all men, modern day Earnest Feminists recognize certain categories of men who are not deserving of hatred – conjuring up exceptions to more easily maintain the general rule.

Feminism at its core

As with every movement there are certain values that make up feminism’s core. The beliefs that those who created the movement hold and expect all who join to follow. Almost everyone I know within the MRM knows what the core beliefs of feminism are but this message is not for MRAs. This message is for the average, unaffiliated men and women who happen to read this article. This message is for the good, bad, moderate, radical, anti-this, and pro-that feminists who actually accept that there is misandry within their movement but refuse to believe that misandry is large enough to deserve resistance. Here are the core values of the feminist movement and the irrefutable proof that the hatred of men is not only exclusive to many of the members of the feminist movement but is indeed the very essence and foundation of the movement itself.