Search Results for: False

The Men’s Movement- Fair, but Imbalanced

I have to wonder why they would find it necessary to tell a feather being weighed against a hammer about the importance of ‘balance.’ It would seem that in this circumstance, the most efficient way to promote balance is to somehow address the massive weight of the hammer. These people would better spend their time in search of equality and fairness if they did exactly what the men’s movement aims to do: strengthen the wills of men and tear down the zero-sum benefits women gain at the expense of men and civilization.

Bashing Women in the Name of a Better World

The result? There is literally no such thing as a fair critique anything that has to do with the sexes. And especially where discussing the dark feminine is concerned. The feminists regard it as misogyny and the chivalrists regard it being less than a real man. Their language, shaming tactics included, has become indistinguishable.

On Jury Nullification and Rape

There are people that will react to this with outrage and indignation. “How could you?” they will demand, “How could you let someone walk when the evidence shows you that they have committed something as heinous as rape?!”

And the same people, after reading account after account of innocent men being imprisoned, raped, tortured; destroyed, on lies, will reveal the utter depravity of their indifference by refusing to face what is happening or acknowledge that it even matters.

An Open Letter to Sgt. Art Eld, Orlando Police Department

We will never know, Sergeant Eld, just how many men are languishing in prisons right now because a woman had consensual sex with them and later regretted it, or because, as we saw in the Hofstra case, a woman wanted to cover herself with her boyfriend- and because those types of claims are often treated by police as factual with no evidence. It is, just as the story said, an epidemic problem, and clearly not just with the women making the allegations.

Patriarchy for Dummies

Feminism only takes what is already there, the female drive to benefit from the power acquired by men, and takes it to the extreme level. In that light, feminism is an extreme that showed up in normal sexual life, just like a letter bearing a marriage proposal on death row.

Paul Elam

  First, please accept my thanks for visiting my website.  It is the product of two years of writing, and a half century of living, along with over twenty years as an observer and activist in the strange realm of socio-sexual politics.  I hope whatever sanity I have held on to from that has found …

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The plague of modern masculinity

Feminism has spent the last fifty years critiquing masculinity. According to MHRAs they got most everything wrong. Paul Elam thinks they actually got a couple of things right, and then went completely south from there. In this seminal essay, he lays out what they got wrong, why, and how men will forge a new path.