
Till Death Do Us Part

Every time you see a happily married couple, keep this in mind. That happiness is a guise. They want you to believe that they are just as normal as all the other couples who are pretending to be happy. Underneath the surface lurks trouble, discord, and a man who knows that freedom comes with a hefty price tag.

All Your Fault

Watching the president’s wife on television—surrounded by fascinated press while she talks at length—the shopkeeper’s wife turned to her husband and said: ‘You’re the reason why I’m not a president’s wife.’ Watching the general’s wife on television—standing by her husband as he received accolades and medals—the shopkeeper’s wife turned to her husband and said: ‘You’re …

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If Momma Ain't Happy…

Momma — The woman that beat the shit out of every single one of these kids, (and now I know from the daughter that I ran into, poppa, as well) now resides in a comfy condo in Florida, thanks to the life insurance poppa paid no-matter-what….and the sale of the big fucking house he bought, and God knows what else….to live out the rest of her days.