The myth that men only want one thing
What do men really want?
Feminism is leading directly to 1 in 10 college girls (at least) becoming functional prostitutes called “sugar babies”
Mark Dent muses on male and female sexuality
New contributor James Skelton discusses the politics of birth control.
A not so subtle reminder about why men should avoid marriage.
If you and your partner enjoy drunken or somnolent sex, she can now blackmail you for rape, thanks to Scotland’s woke feminist laws.
Michael Kimmel’s notion of ‘aggrieved entitlement’ has a much broader application than he is willing to admit.
Accusations of male impotence were epidemic in the 16th century as women rejected and humiliated men they claimed were unable to measure up.
After a hiatus from activism Jonathan Taylor is back with a review of a recent Radiolab conversation concerning the topic of sexual consent and crisis management
With all the politically-correct recommendations against body shaming, it seems feminists forgot to include the male member.