Sexual Politics

Hey, ‘Trans’ Men in Women’s Sports: Good Luck, Fellas — Go for the Gold!

“Equality” cries were cherished by feminists when they gave females entry into military academies, boardrooms and the ranks of police; prize-money parity in some sporting events; and access to boys’ athletics. But with these appeals now putting sexually confused men in women’s sports, well, feminists’ cries are a tad different. Equality can be a real …

Hey, ‘Trans’ Men in Women’s Sports: Good Luck, Fellas — Go for the Gold! Read More »

Have Women Ever Been Oppressed in the United States?

GAB TV:   Related to Tom Golden’s video above, the historical quotes below help to shed light on the question of whether women in America were ever truly “oppressed.” I think we all know the answer. In 1856, author of Putnam’s Monthly Magazine published the following summary of relations between men and women in America: …

Have Women Ever Been Oppressed in the United States? Read More »

Are women more important than men? ManWomanMyth

Row Ad, known from his legendary youtube series entitled ManWomanMyth, has recently re emerged from a serious injury and is again picking up the ball on gender issues. Due to experiencing severe ongoing memory loss from his injury, he is exploring some of the fundamental questions of today’s gender politics from the beginning, starting with …

Are women more important than men? ManWomanMyth Read More »