Two halves of the same movement
Once revered, respected and desired for being a wife and mother, she’s now viewed as an opportunity for sex at best, someone to be avoided at worst.
Once revered, respected and desired for being a wife and mother, she’s now viewed as an opportunity for sex at best, someone to be avoided at worst.
In explaining the behaviour of any organism, all that genocentrism provides is a black box and an accompanying assertion that “it’s all in the genes, you dummy”. Not unlike the Creationists’ God and their accompanying assertion that “it’s all in the bible, you heathen”.
A society like the one in this universe would seem primitive and racist, some would say savage, compared to home from the point of view of most people. Remember though, that all we changed were two terms.
I stumbled upon the men’s rights movement and saw things—statistics, studies—they pulled up from the depths of our society’s subconscious—things that would silently slip down into the deep if it weren’t for them.
Men wind up gender profiled and often falsely accused by the taxpayer funded, domestic violence industry, because of gender feminist ideology controlling the domestic violence industry.
How this is done is simple. Just gather up a list of proven false accusers of sexual assault, DV, child molestation or any other crime usually prosecuted against men on allegation alone, and send it to me.
An urge to silence debate or dissent is, by the way, a totalitarian urge. The attempts by Kellet and others to silence discussion and criticism validates arguments made on AVFM regarding the escalation of an emerging police state.
Domestic violence is another area where false allegations have become de rigeur. For years the abuse industry has anointed itself with sack-cloth and ashes, meeting with state legislators to expand definitions and lower standards of proof.
A short note of thanks to all those who expressed concerns during yesterday’s down time. The matter has been resolved. There was not an attack on the site; at least not of anything more than some incompetence from web hosting, and some ignorance on my behalf.
In Marcotte’s article, she indulges the liberal/feminist fallacy that the enthusiasm for sculpting the kind of muscular, traditionally masculine physiques you see on Men’s Health covers is symptomatic of some kind of homoerotic attraction/repulsion complex. Her inability to cope with difference blinds her to the obvious; men’s bodies react differently to exercise from women’s.