
Feminist Kia Abdullah Laughs At Recently Deceased Men

As reported on 30th June, three young British men were tragically killed in a bus crash in Thailand while on gap year from university.

One would think that the feminist sector might remain silent on the issue, since the accidental death of men has no obvious bearing upon issues of women’s rights or sexual equality – which, I am assured, is all feminism is really about. But then, feminists haven’t been particularly good at holding their tongues just lately, have they?

Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend

Women, all claims of patriarchy aside, are in charge. Women control 2/3 of disposable income. Women control access to sex, women own all rights of reproduction, and thereby, control men. (Whether they wish to admit it or not) More women than men vote. And, it is not a coincidence that in this society we keep calling a patriarchy, it’s 93% of workplace deaths that are men.