To my friends who are nice feminists
Nice feminists have a hard time swallowing their movement’s hate. Dean Esmay ain’t gonna sugar coat it for them, and neither should you.
Nice feminists have a hard time swallowing their movement’s hate. Dean Esmay ain’t gonna sugar coat it for them, and neither should you.
Dean Esmay looks at social justice warriors, feminism, history, racism, and music. Take a trip with him.
Ah, corrupting the nation’s youth. Guess what feminists? It’s all over but the shouting I think. Boys like this are the men of the future, and they have no interest in your bullshit at all.
Christian conservatives have lost a lot of political ground in recent years. By Dean Esmay’s estimate, they brought it on themselves and had it coming.
Feminists tend to behave as if feminism were central to the gay rights struggle historically and that gay people owe feminists something. Both assertions are lies. Gay men owe you nothing, feminists. Nothing.
Feminists are troublemakers. Dean Esmay says they deserve a metaphorical spanking.
It’s not just Men’s Rights Advocates that they lie about anymore. All critics of feminism and our gynocentric culture, whether left or right wing, are increasingly being outright lied about. Why? We think we know.
Over the weekend, a fake story of an MRA boycott of the latest Mad Max movie was promulgated by known ideological opponents of Men’s Rights. The press believed every word.
David Pakman gives Mark Potok of the wealthy fatcat hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) a free pass to spread fear and loathing of human rights activists. Mr. Pakman, do you have any shame?
The Calgary Expo is promoted as inclusive of diversity, but this year it became mired when feminists silenced a female content creator for the crime of holding non-feminist views. Several YouTubers offer perspectives on the incident.