SPLC spreads hate while a man starves – and David Pakman lets them do it

I want the world to know I have said this, and I mean it: the Southern Poverty Law Center is a multimillion $$ fraud organization that makes its money by spreading fear and hate and ignorance – mostly in the form of slanted half-truths- about innocent people who can’t fight back.

The Southern Poverty Law Center steals, by deception, from well-meaning donors and from U.S. taxpayers to spread the kind of hatred that leads to intolerance and violence. This is in part because people like David Pakman are so fucking gullible, they think that if these snakes in Dockers say they’re progressive, they’re actually living the values they claim to stand for.

Yes, David, SPLC has been directly tied to inspiring intolerance and murder, by spreading hate, instigating spin and slander indiscriminately against anyone who might deviate somewhat from mainstream opinion (or just opinions not liked by the elites who rule us).

And David Pakman is giving this obscene group of wealthy millionaires (millionaires who got there on the backs of the poor and working classes), these corporate masters he claims to oppose, a free pass as he throws softball questions and gives them the mic.

David, you are better than this, I suspect. But the fact is you gave a reactionary fatcat whose organization has helped incite murder a free pass to smear human rights activists — even while one of those grassroots human rights activists has just completed a walk across Ontario to the Provincial Government House in Toronto, where he is as I write this conducting a hunger strike, asking for simple basic human rights that nobody, male or female, should ever be denied.

But you couldn’t talk to him or any of us, before letting this fatcat weasel in Birkenstocks shit all over him and the rest of us.

Basic human rights, David. Do you get that? Basic human rights. That’s what your group of wealthy cronies at the SPLC are all about attacking and stopping: the march of human progress, and treating all people as if they are flawed but valuable human beings, regardless of race or sex or orientation.

And you’re helping these hate-inciting fatcats smear those working for those values, you brave young man, without having the guts to talk to us or ask us any questions let alone invite us on your show to ask him any genuinely challenging questions. Not even questions about his contemptible terrorist-inspiring organization — I expect that would be too much for you — but whether this bullshit he’s feeding you about us really paints an accurate picture.

Pakman has not so much as approached us to comment before allowing the odious hate group known as the SPLC bash the innocent men and women of the Men’s Human Rights Movement, who are incredibly easy to find and talk to (me and Paul can be reached right here).

But let’s watch Pakman as he lets this rich fatcat tool of the corporate establishment attack us:

I want to repeat something so it’s not possible to miss it: David Pakman, who supposedly is against corporate interests polluting the media, is sucking up to and unquestioningly accepting what a fatcat corporate bigot who just happens to dress a little like an old hippie says. Are you that easily fooled, Mr. Pakman?

And for you fat, wealthy, elitist, reactionary, pompous, self-serving liars at the SPLC (and yes Mr. Potok, I’m talking to you, you sociopathic, reactionary bigot): you are directly implicated in getting right-wingers murdered in this country. Which means you now have a body count sir, and that is something that, despite all your hateful bigoted lies and distortions, is something the Men’s Human Rights movement to date does not have. We’ve never been implicated in anyone’s murder, or even anyone’s assault, not by any rational standard–unlike you.

You and everybody who has given money to or supported the SPLC in the last few years most certainly has helped incite terror and murder.

And you lie about human rights activists, even as they put their lives on the line.

Do you ever wake up and ask yourself if you’re on the wrong side, David? I suspect you do.

Here’s a hint: you are.

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