AVFM News Week in Review Oct 17th – Oct 24th
ABC drops the ball on AVFM, Edmonton Alberta’s Patriarchy Party declares victory, Feminism wins the last U.S. election and is also re-branded. This weeks Week in Review is just more of the same and more!
ABC drops the ball on AVFM, Edmonton Alberta’s Patriarchy Party declares victory, Feminism wins the last U.S. election and is also re-branded. This weeks Week in Review is just more of the same and more!
Here’s our latest roundup of interesting stories in the news. Our news department is still ramping up, and looking for more volunteers, but Bob O’Hara and his sturdy crew continue to find stories you may not see elsewhere!
Needless to say it has been another big news week for AVFM News, but as usual we try to bring you stories that you may not have been exposed to in addition to the big ones. Item: ABC news announcement of upcoming 20/20 broadcast draws intcredible traffic as well as criticism. An article titled “Women …
A shocking expose, complete with details and the identities of individuals obsessed with power, supremacy and murder. This classic report by Robert O’Hara and “Agent Orange” should be read by anyone who claims that feminism is just a benign movement for equality.
In an inexplicable action, one that makes the average Orwellian nightmare seem like a daydream, the United States Government is now informing gender ideologues at the University of Montana that they are free to punish men that have been proven innocent.
AVFM News week in review comes at you again for your reading pleasure. Or…displeasure. Bleeding vagina T-shirts and Rabbi wiseguys. What is this world coming too?
AVFM News Director Robert O’Hara brings us the tragic story of young Christian Adamek, a 15 year old Alabama high school student who streaked at a football game. When he saw what the school and the authorities were bringing at him, he hanged himself.
Probably the biggest news week for the MHRM to date! With the Groth Lecture and subsequent MHRA rally. But other news still keeps coming in.
Truly an historic moment as MHRAs gather at Queen’s Park in Toronto to support CAFE’s efforts to educate the public on the crisis of men and boys in our society. Counter-protesters were present but had little effect thanks to Toronto Police.
More kids getting suspended for playing shoot-em up except this time in their own front yards, feminists redefining “Objectivity,” and otherwise mass mayhem. Yet another week for AVFM News.