
Breaking Bad: The Male as Designated Criminal

While presumptive guilt in accusations of male-on-female rape is wrestled over by activists and lawmakers, another point is missed, and that’s the point that the construct within western society of the rule of law based in the principle of justice is no longer operative in reality. The rule of law still operates of course, but it has become the rule of private law, where criminal and civil laws are applied differentially depending on social class.

What does feminism want to be when it grows up?

The woman holding the sign in the picture is protesting on behalf of N.O.W., who is suing the Hooters restaurant chain in San Francisco claiming that the use of waitresses in camel toe cut offs and t-shirts constitutes the illegal provision of “adult entertainment.” They’ve added a lot of save the children rhetoric to the …

What does feminism want to be when it grows up? Read More »

War=Good, Sex=Evil

When an article that paints Assange as “a man of strong sexual appetites who is not averse to exploiting his fame” can’t find a single thing to substantiate the rape charges, what are the chances that a single male reader will not see this as a wake-up call?

Feminism’s Victim Complex- and Consequences

The zeta male however is not playing that game, understanding as he does, that while he’s expected to assume that risk and damage, the side of the social contract compensating him and valuing him as a man is no longer operative. The zeta male’s identity is one developing around conscious evaluation of behavior’s risk and reward, and disparaging of traditional social control through shame or prestige.

The Irrationality of Feminism: Remembering the Sokal Affair

On publication of his paper Sokal exposed his hoax in the journal Lingua Franca. The editors of Social Text immediately cried foul and added a misplaced criticism of Sokal’s writing style. They missed the point, entirely. Sokal’s intent was to write badly (and think badly) yet have his poor scholarship overlooked due to its superficial accordance with leftist ideology.