
The word on masculinity

I’ve got no problem with people wanting to ignore the fact that every civilization on the planet is defended by men. However, I take issue with feminists claiming that violence is a masculine trait. Note that I understand men use violence to protect others but that is not the type of violence feminists are referring to. They are talking about random and sadistic violence. They are talking about men who beat their wives and children simply because they can. Feminists put out commercials on national television, calling them “public service announcements”, which depict men beating women for spilling coffee and claim this scenario to be the norm for everyday families.

Amanda Marcotte: Liberal Head, Bigoted Heart

In Marcotte’s article, she indulges the liberal/feminist fallacy that the enthusiasm for sculpting the kind of muscular, traditionally masculine physiques you see on Men’s Health covers is symptomatic of some kind of homoerotic attraction/repulsion complex. Her inability to cope with difference blinds her to the obvious; men’s bodies react differently to exercise from women’s.