The gate
Just make some popocorn and watch it
Just make some popocorn and watch it
GQ takes its turn in the barrel
The Southern Poverty Law Center has some interesting expenses.
Skepp Torr with a quick and dirty breakdown on the alms for outrage racket run by Social Justice Warriors.
Hate-blogger Dave Futrelle, aka Manboobz, has a long and notorious history of making outrageous distortions and then running for the hills when he gets caught. Patrick Doran recently had a fun exchange with him on Twitter that illustrates this well.
Another video shows that this myth of “normalized violence against women” knows no language barrier.
Now that feminists are suing for peace, opening a dialogue with feminist men’s groups like the 200 year-old “Good Men Project” seems a good first step. Our Senior Editor Peter Wright joins the celebrations.
Paul Elam is here to tell you that you only thought the media had become a snake pit. Before you give it that much credit, he wants to introduce you to Bucky Turco.
The video exchange between comedian Chris Gethard and Ramz Paul is something you have to see. Warning! Do not attempt to take in fluids in proximity to your monitor while watching these.
Drugs like Heroin can relieve pain. They also make make you vomit and put you in a stupor. Jessica Valenti is the perfect Feminist Heroin.