AVfM Radio, Tuesday, November 1 – GAME!
Whoa! Mr. Telephone! There has been a lot of heat around the issue of Game and the men’s movement in the past few days. Imagine, just in time for the cold weather.
Whoa! Mr. Telephone! There has been a lot of heat around the issue of Game and the men’s movement in the past few days. Imagine, just in time for the cold weather.
The debate over Game and PUA regularly comes up in the MRM. Love it or hate it, almost everyone has an opinion on it. Paul has one, too. Though it seems more like tossing an egg than a neg. This one could get a little on the hot side.
If it is funny and “delightful” when a woman commits an act of violence against a man, why isn’t it just as funny and “delightful” when a man commits violence against a woman?
She kept turning around to see if she was being watched. I almost felt sorry for her. But I could not help thinking, that if my house was on fire and she was in charge of the water to put it out, I’d be royally fucked; probably burned to a crisp.
One thing’s for certain, if just one of these million moms were to consume some of these Schweddy Balls, I’ll bet she’d swallow; and quite happily, because of course, no one can resist my Schweddy Balls.
The attempt to control the definition of a “real man” is considerably more pervasive than the long reach and direct address of the topic in the mainstream media, and it is increasingly more shrill.
I only regret now that the next thing out of my mouth was not, “There’s no need for grunting, when gestures are more efficient,” followed by a demonstration of a hand gesture. I won’t be making the same mistake again.
Detractors of masculinity, of the men’s rights movement, and apologists for gender feminists will be quick to define men forging this new role as losers, malcontents, failures – and so on. Zeta males don’t care at all