Menshed Movement Gains Widespread Approval and Government Money
The Australian government announced it will appropriate $3 million dollars in funding for the exclusive purpose of funding the Menshed Association.
The Australian government announced it will appropriate $3 million dollars in funding for the exclusive purpose of funding the Menshed Association.
And so the cycle begins. Harry will play step and fetch to his wounded mistress, and will continue to do so, with her reveling in it, till the pressure builds toward another explosion. Every once in a while he will hit her.
At one point Dallaire describes the “sport” the Hutus made of hacking off a man’s penis and the delight taken in watching him run around screaming in pain. He discusses the sickening smell of dead bodies piled along the road
What have you offered, or achieved for the greater good of society? I’m still waiting to see any decent evidence to suggest that we have you to thank for anything remotely useful.
Men are refusing to get married, refusing to feign ambition; doing what they believe in or feel like. Some call them man-children, or slackers. Some call them Men Going Their Own Way.
So by comparing our social hierarchy to the caste hierarchy, we see that women don’t just encourage the male hierarchy, but like Brahmans, they are at the top of it.
This is choice nugget is fodder for a dozen articles itself. Stated succinctly, marriage version 2.0 is a construct affording legal and financial advantage to women, and legal and financial liability to men.
The obvious first place to look is male genital mutilation. Nothing says “I’m afraid of horny men” quite like lopping off most of their erogenous zones and turning them into face cream for rich old white chicks. There are few areas of social concern which so blatantly flaunt sexist double standards upheld by fear of male sexuality quite so clearly as in this instance.
That’s the magic for kids in sports. First you try and eventually succeed, but once you succeed you’re immediately confronted with what comes next. For those who don’t recognize the process it’s called life. Long before ever mentioning the politics of a team effort, at some point kids need to learn to make an effort and why. It’s the reward of being challenged and challenging yourself till you do succeed.
I just noticed the following comment by Lion Goodman, the man who will be hosting my appearance at the Ultimate Men’s Summit. I thought it was important, but buried on an older thread it was not likely to be seen. So I am posting it here with my response.