Red pill legacy in a blue pill world

[dropcap]R[/dropcap]ome wasn’t built in a day. Whatever you may think of the ancient Romans and the Roman Empire, there is a very big part of that society for which I have great admiration and respect. I am talking about their achievements. Certainly many would agree that they left some amazing legacies for the modern people of today.

Many of the things we take for granted today were conceived, designed, and invented by the Romans. While there was a legacy of those before them, they built upon and improved what was known.  We can thank them for roads and pavement, improved architecture, central heating, bricks and fast drying cement, parks, swimming pools, aqueducts, sanitation, plumbing, public order, firemen, Latin, the Julian calendar, a public health system, and astoundingly a crane capable of lifting two tons.

That’s just an appetizer, but what do all the above have in common?  I will give you one guess. They were largely, if not entirely, the legacies of men and boys. And it’s worth a celebration of your masculinity every time you give it reflection.

Let that soak in for a moment or two. Bathe in the wonderment and appreciation for what, as human males, we have achieved in abundance. Even when you take a look at our modern society it’s still amazing to think that most of the progress has been largely due to the brilliant minds of men and boys. When I think of that, which is often, I get a great deal of satisfaction that I was born male.

A great source of my own thoughts about male achievement came through an education by my father and grandfather. I remember the encouragement I received as a young boy being invaluable in my appreciation of what came before my own existence on earth. My father would take us on trips to places of historical interest during early summer holidays and weekends. Often they were enhanced by the inclusion of a welcome picnic lunch provided by my mother, but the star of the show was definitely my father, with his enthusiastic manner that had me captured with every word.

[quote float=”left”]Contrary to the belief so many women have regarding parenting, I found my father to be more open and sincere than my mother.[/quote] I lived and breathed the words he uttered whilst he was in passionate refection over our past. In those moments I could almost be there. We stood on the battlements of a magnificent castle looking through the archer apertures, formed as a cross, with my head pressed against the cold stone. Looking far down to the grassy pastures beyond I could imagine the days of old as my father talked me through historical events. You can’t ever put a value on times like that in your life. They are priceless. It’s such a shame that many women associate “priceless” with adornments or their acquisition status in life.

Some of my inspiration to this day, and for this article in particular, comes in the form of novels by Bernard Cornwell. He pens historical novels that completely enthrall the reader. His writing captures me, taking me to another time and place, as though a boy again listening to my father. This is the power of the crafted word.

The Romans were certainly mentioned amongst the numerous novels I have read over the years. I will confess that having a little of the old Italian blood in the family makes reading about them more inspiring.

I’ve always been very single minded, and my grandfather is partly to thank for it. I’m sure he noticed my blue pill intake on a few occasions and helped me back on track. He was the one who, over a pint or two of his best beer, advised me on how to keep and remain red pilled to the hilt. He would encourage me to be resolute and to always be prepared to question authority figures, for which I remain thankful to this day.

In more recent times I have Angry Harry, AVfM, and Manwomanmyth to thank for my continued supply of the red pill. They came into my life at a time when things just weren’t making sense anymore, and they gave me a code of sensibility that helped unravel the frustrations I had with present day bullshit.

We males have plenty to be very proud of, and I use this as an affirmation when sometimes the going gets a little tough. Believe me, I’ve had plenty of tough in my life. From two expired marriages of around eight years each, I can safely say that marriage is a one-way street. It’s a dead-end street for a man on the whole.

[box icon=”none”]Now, at last, I celebrate my independence and freedom from the bounds of a socially driven and socially promoted institution that has no benefit for me.[/box]

I make no apologies for being born a male. Certainly where toxic women and feminists are concerned I have nothing to apologize for despite what the deluded bunch would have us believe. I’ve mentioned before in some of my writings that I think the large group of toxic women and feminists should really take stock of their own shortcomings – and here is my question to them:

What have you offered or achieved for the greater good of society? I’m still waiting to see any decent evidence to suggest we have you to thank for anything remotely useful.

Essentially they ride on the backs of our distant brothers’ work, and now in this modern age they continue to ride on our brothers’ backs. If all their luxury items, which men and boys have collectively provided, were taken away I doubt they would have enough of their own contributions to fill a cattle field.

I say this with a passion and total conviction where these substandard and poisonous human beings are concerned. I can give them no apologies for doing so.

So all you women out there who constantly denigrate men and boys to benefit yourselves, listen up and take note. When the day of reckoning comes (which I believe is totally possible if present situations continue to worsen) I advise all of you to run for the hills. Otherwise I’m going to take great pleasure in introducing you to breaking rocks and mixing cement by hand. A few years of that should help get your depleted neurons of decency back into shape.

While Rome wasn’t built in a day, we all know with certainty that only men and boys built it.

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