So What is a Zeta Male Anyway?
Social expectations of both alphas and betas (being providers, chivalry, etc) are tossed aside, and we refuse to see ourselves as inferior because of it. We are doing what we want, taking our lives into our own hands.
Social expectations of both alphas and betas (being providers, chivalry, etc) are tossed aside, and we refuse to see ourselves as inferior because of it. We are doing what we want, taking our lives into our own hands.
This war is a CRUDE business.
The young men we have sacrificed and the families we have ripped apart, are just the fodder offered up for a corporatocracy that knows no limit to avarice and indecency.
“Don’t look back in anger, Don’t look back in hate, Just look to the future and concentrate…” ~Raven Some time back I learned of the new collective movement called MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way. The basic tenets—self-reliance; independence; the realization that men did not need to be married, or even in a relationship, to …
In short, hypergamy is the universal drive in women to turn men into appliances, and whether that appliance is a dildo or an ATM or both, makes little difference.
This aimless, narcissistic existence is a fitting escape from lives lived as apologies for being male, making all efforts to deny their true nature, unless it serves the whims of others.
Women don’t have roles any more, except as they choose to take them on. Even then, they can change that role fluidly depending on whether they are vying for a promotion or sitting with a man in a restaurant when the dinner check arrives.