Science and censorship
… and feminism
… and feminism
Not toeing the feminist line is dangerous – even in libertarian politics.
A feminist author is actively working to destroy another author’s career, on the grounds of racism. The author she is attacking is a Black woman.
This is what feminism looks like.
No one should have endure the indignity of being mildly upset or offended.
Feminists are troublemakers. Dean Esmay says they deserve a metaphorical spanking.
Yesterday feminists across the first world screamed in outrage over an old man having an unpopular opinion. Why? Because this man happened to be a nobel prize winner in science.
Over the weekend, a fake story of an MRA boycott of the latest Mad Max movie was promulgated by known ideological opponents of Men’s Rights. The press believed every word.
Radical feminist Meghan Murphy is under assault by other feminists. August Løvenskiolds wrestles with the implications of taking sides with a feminist.
All we have to do is show up, self-identify as the supposedly hateful monsters, act like normal, healthy people, and before long the entire narrative sounds utterly ridiculous to the wider culture and falls apart.