
Sweden, where man-beating is sport!

Former prosecutor, defense attorney, and judge RK Hendrick was more than upset at recent video of a female cop and her dog beating an unarmed drunk man who posed no threat to her in front of multiple witnesses. Was it simple arrogance on her part or due to the perception that women can get away with brutality to men in Sweden, which has become notorious for legalized misandry?

Don’t be THAT prosecutor

Should those who work in law be more concerned with their own careers, or with justice? And just how crazy is it to put a gynocentric ideologue into a position of real power? Does the presumption of innocence mean anything anymore? Using the results from the Innocence Project as a guide, Diana Davidson brings her keen insight to the question of questionable prosecutors and how to deal with them. [Illustration by Typhonblue]

Villains and fools

The Atlantic’s Stephen Marche has published an incoherent mess, FTB’s Richard Carrier is trying to tell us to address men’s issues by shitting on MRAs, and others follow similar paths. According to AVfM’s very own Diana Davison it looks like The Establishment’s getting desperate. Or confused. Or constipated. Or maybe their mental souffle has simply fallen flat. [Illustration by Typhonblue]

Radical Red Stockings

It is hard to build bridges towards gender equality when feminists keep burning them down. Our buddy Jim Doyle at Genderratic.com continues to expose the foundational misandry of feminism, and offers his version of an oath designed to rid feminism of their class hatred of men: kiss patriarchy theory goodbye. Happy July 4th, ladies, and enjoy the fireworks. [Illustration by Typhonblue]