Some thoughts on honesty and sex
Now I do know that in an irregular kind of way, missing those magic moments to contemplate the universe or read an insightful edition of COSMO just before 8 am may lead to a day of being full of shit.
Now I do know that in an irregular kind of way, missing those magic moments to contemplate the universe or read an insightful edition of COSMO just before 8 am may lead to a day of being full of shit.
The rage is present in these collaborators too, but buried behind the contradictory delusion that a “good man” is equivalent to a male accommodating of every childish female caprice. This anger, denied behind pretense, is most dangerous because it goes unaddressed
A few years after humiliating themselves over the Duke case, the media is now burying, if not censoring all together, the ongoing stories of false rape accusations.
It’s just a commercial, cupcake; one mind you that obsequiously groveled for your money by handing you the Hollywood style illusion that you were a million wonderful things that you clearly aren’t.
Society has so dehumanized men, so demonized male sexuality, that men can be literally tied up and tortured, have their lives permanently altered (by removing the ability to fulfil the most basic of drives)…and these women laugh.
It’s one of those game scenarios where the partner tries to control the outcome and control all the credits so you can’t alter the game. But when the game score is negatively affected you have to eat the shit for it, because you have no real patriarchal power.
Having cleared the intellectual nit-pickers out of the picture, it was time to commence the real work of undertaking an extreme make-over of our nation’s domestic violence laws.
Just know that for the Genders to exist requires collaboration. If you have a crack instead of a penis and are challenged by this statement it’s called fucking and if you can’t afford your own test tube you will have to go the old fashion route.
It is curious to consider that rape for a woman does not represent a biological contradiction to her utility as it would and does for a male victim of rape. Yet we pay the male victim no fare. This ethical contradiction suggests that female rape may be better represented as a property crime. It may be better simply to issue rape insurance to women as some governments are now offering the payout. Once privatized, behaviors that may contribute to the occurrence can be scrutinized by female executive peers who may be wildly unimpressed with slut-walks and more diligent with their ethics.
Policies that allow women to commit violence-by-proxy do not target only conservative men, or redneck men, or men who own firearms. They target all men, from the farm labourer to the army cadet to the sociology student. The resistance to feminism, naturally, comes from all sections of society, from the bottom rungs to the upper echelons. How else do we imagine a man – of any political persuasion – to respond, when he witnesses self-identified feminists cackling over their power to deprive men utterly of everything that makes life worth living? (And then, without pausing for breath, reaffirming their preferred metanarrative of female victimhood and male privilege.)