
Wives demand what??? The farce of household equality

There was a time when women were responsible for a significant amount of domestic labor. Thanks to technology ‘housewives’ today have very little work to do in the home save one or two hours of relaxed housework which they can weave among their leisure activities. However, the leisure class would like to forego those remaining few chores and are increasingly asking full-time working husbands to take the weight off their petite shoulders. Clint Carpentier provides an overview of the conundrum.

Memewalk: Quit blaming kids!

This meme post is designed to give us all time to think over the weekend. Think of the poor children, being abused by a society that ingrains victim blaming into them from birth. It is a horrible thing to see and not even AVFM has adequately addressed the problem. Paul Elam offers an apology, and a reader submitted meme.