How Many Saturday Night Live Writers Does It Take To Be Funny?
We aren’t sure how many Saturday Night Live writers it takes to write a funny skit, but we’re guessing it’s more than they have!
We aren’t sure how many Saturday Night Live writers it takes to write a funny skit, but we’re guessing it’s more than they have!
“Male privilege” is a term of stupidity and hatred. It is another way of saying a man’s pain doesn’t matter, and “father” is nothing but a provider. The damage of this attitude to fathers and their children is incalculable, and even the “lucky” ones rarely escape damage.
JtO has a question for women: what happens when you bring a gun to every conversation? What is the consequence of keeping a loaded firearm in your lap, or on the nightstand?
Consistent with their advocacy of the last two generations, the National Organization for Women has come down on the patently erroneous side of a legal issue. Attorney Robert Franklin offers his analysis of events in Florida involving a woman convicted in 2011 of multiple counts of aggravated assault with a firearm.
What feminists call sexual harassment is often less sinister than is made out – and it’s not only women who experience it. Clint Carpentier recounts some of the antics he has experienced in the workplace.
March 8 is “International Women’s Day.” Its roots are shrouded in myths, many of them hateful and wrong. James Thompson examines the troubling history of this strange day.
Anita Sarkeesian once again makes a public demonstration of her character and values, or rather her lack of both. This time an artist has taken her story online about Anita’s illegal use of her content to make money. Same feminist, different day.
We’ve all heard the phrase, but few actually know what it means; fewer still demand to be heard after being told, to “Man Up!”
Once in a while, some group or institution actually means it when they say they care equally about people regardless of things like race or sex, and puts that into action. Goshen College appears to have such people working for it, as Jonathan Taylor notes. Bravo!
Our thanks to a supporter, Ray Brown, for alerting us to this matter. It relates to a woman, Dickie James, who has the following profile on her Twitter account @DickieCJames: CEO of @StaffsWomensAid. Board Member of @WomensAid. Tweeting own views. Mother. Feminist animal lover. Writer. Hate injustice. Partial to G&T. Ms James “favorited” a tweet posted …
Challenging Dickie James, Board member of Women’s Aid Read More »