There is no such thing as a sperm donor. They take it all.
Paul Elam with some thoughts on male reproductive rights.
Paul Elam with some thoughts on male reproductive rights.
Confused about how the “privilege” of patriarchy theory works in the minds of Social Justice Warriors? Conrad Shin does the math that feminists don’t want to know.
A new MRA/MGTOW vlogger has appeared. We have seen the future, and it looks very good to us!
A bit at a time the larger world is waking up to the Issue of domestic violence against men. Ayami Tyndall reviews the refreshing artwork of “Saint Hoax” but notes the artist still has gynocentric blind spots that need addressing.
Terrence Popp pays tribute to the late, great Robin Williams and explores some sad facts that preceded his death by suicide.
Even more so than religion, Feminism has positioned itself as something beyond the purview of science. Stephen Jarosek, aka Codebuster, explores the damage this is doing to our understanding of reality.
Ferguson is a suburb of the city of St. Louis. 4 miles from the Ferguson shooting, this has just recently transpired: after being seen doing some minor shoplifting, 25 year old Kajieme Powell was defiant toward police, refused to drop a steak knife he apparently had in his hands, and within 20 seconds of police arrival, they shot him dead.
Free tickets are available to the Kennesaw State University Men’s conference in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Jonathan Taylor has a video explaining why you should come if you can!
What happens when you hit a dead end? Jeb Kinnison considers the increasingly failing arguments of modern feminism and the shrill ideologues with no place left to run.
Dr. Paul Nathanson planned to speak to the International Conference on Men’s Issues and was unable to in part due to concerns over harassment and in part due to family bereavement. Here’s the presentation he planned to give.