A Voice For Men

5,000,000 thank yous

Paul Elam took a vacation from his activism in the Men’s Human Rights Movement. No sooner was he out of town than things, lots of them, started happening. The Vladek Filler case reached its probable conclusion, more MHRA posters got feminists in a tizzy and the staff of volunteers and activists at AVFM went into high gear to bring all of it to you without a hitch. In other words, Paul could have taken more time off, but he didn’t want to.

Planned outage for AVfM

At 05:30 Central Time (US) A Voice for Men’s servers will be going down for scheduled maintenance for approximately 1 hour.All is well, remain calm, no need to send us panicked emails or worry about hackers or anything else, there’s a hard drive issues and a few other minor things that just have to be done and are being handled by competent professionals who know what they’re doing.

Monday Roundup for 08 July 2013

It it Monday again? Already? Really? Yes really. And Dean Esmay is back with another weekly roundup of all the cool shit you may have missed in the last week, especially if you’re coming back from a long weekend. We’ve been raising Hell in the Mountaineer State and the Pine Tree State. Plus videos, radio shows, kicking Phyllis Schlafley in the butt, picking on feminists who deserve it and more. Read on, pardners!

Monday Roundup for 2 July 2013

AVfM Managing Editor Dean Esmay returns with the Monday Roundup of all the cool stuff you may have missed in the last week. What, you say it’s a Tuesday? Well it was a long weekend for Canadians so there you go, eh? Anyway, here’s all the stuff in the rough with none of the fluff.

A loss in our family

It is with great regret that I have to announce the death of AVFM Senior Editor Suzanne McCarley’s husband, Mac. He passed away just moments ago after a very short battle with pancreatic cancer. Please join us in offering Suzanne our support and comfort at this very hard time in her life. AVFM will be suspending operations till Tuesday morning out of respect for the McCarley Family.

Summer 2013 Donation Drive

It is that time of year again, folks. A Voice for Men is calling on all readers, activists and other supporters to help us take this website, and this movement, a little further in the right direction. We have ambitious goals this time, as always, but we know with your help we will reach them and go beyond, in service to the cause of serving men and boys.

From Stu to you

Stu is an MHRA who has been watching the Men’s Human Rights Movement for a long time now. He is also a big supporter of AVfM who has never written and article for the site, until now. He has some thoughts on what AVFM has accomplished in the past, and where we are going in the future. And he wants you to help. You can, you know.

Monday Roundup for 24 June 2013

The weekend is over, the Monday grind begins. So to start your week off right, here’s a roundup of stories and videos and news items and other goodies you may have missed while you were away this weekend, or that may have glazed past your eye in the last week. Oh and a few off-site links, and the story of the tiny fuckup that wouldn’t go away.

The Voice of Europe: Scandinavian feminism

Lucian Vâlsan, Huffnágel Pista and Paul Elam will be talking today about radical and hateful feminist activism in a distinct portion of Europe that is rarely placed under much scrutiny. Scary things are afoot there, and whether you are European or not this is a show you are going to want to hear. This is an infection that could spread while no one is looking.