60 Minutes: Who has the softer heart?
The American show “60 Minutes Overtime” notes how ideological feminism has polluted, and continues to interfere with, sound science, including medical science.
The American show “60 Minutes Overtime” notes how ideological feminism has polluted, and continues to interfere with, sound science, including medical science.
When Elizabeth Sheehy wrote her book “Defending Battered Women on Trial” she thought she’d be ready for the response. Diana Davison doesn’t think Sheehy was prepared for COCK (Community Organized Compassion and Kindness).
What happens when angry women take to the streets? Mark Twain once said that “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”
We agree with and endorse Nick Reading’s plan to peacefully and nondisruptively attend this forum, and urge others who attend to comport themselves the same.
Rape, rape and more rape continues to make its meteoric rise to the top of the media food chain in 2014. Well, at least this also appears to be the year that more mainstream outlets are seeking the MRHM perspective on the subject.
Is Valentine’s a gynocentric farce or is it a necessary way for men to practice chivalry toward women? Marc Rudov debates the question with feminist Tanya Acker. Guess whose side we’re on?
Paranoid pseudo-skeptic PZ Myers, sycophant to feminist ideologues everywhere, hypothesizes that just because some sites like his own FreeFromThought Blogs, NotVerySkepChick, and others experienced a DDOS attack, it was not random hackers. It was us!
How is it we’re pretty certain the average person watching this won’t even get it and will stay something like “what’s the point?” It’s a sad, sad, sad, sad, sad world.
Anyone who quotes Simone De Beauvoir as a serious expert on anything but solipsism ought to be laughed at. Sparky Fister is up to the task!
Dennis Sobin is a Registered Sex Offender. Whatever you think of his past, he recently won a major 1st amendment case establishing that it is legal to publicly identify individuals who work in government departments implementing these registries.