
Evolution of Understanding

The continually escalating narrative of “protecting” women by affording them ever greater protection and privilege above and beyond the legal rights of “bad” men is designed to produce a society in which nobody has legal rights except for the members of a few banking families. Not even women will have human rights in that world, because the men who would have protected them will be, and are being reduced to the legal status of furniture and appliances.

Your Money is Debt

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency…
The banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered”

~ Thomas Jefferson

Traffick911’s Statistical Misrepresentation and Misandry

[box icon=”none”]Ken Durden / Shutterstock.com[/box] Paul Elam [1] and Bernard Chapin [2] have exposed the evil campaign perpetrated by Change.org [3] and Traffick911 [4] to draw attention to the scourge of domestic sex trafficking.  Through statistical hyperbole and by lumping men, in general, with a few pathological sex traffickers, those activists have sacrificed men and used the Super Bowl …

Traffick911’s Statistical Misrepresentation and Misandry Read More »

The Great White Lie

The Canadian government cooperates with a neighboring government in supplying false information, and is complicit in sending an innocent, peaceful, married father in his thirties straight to hell, to be beaten for hours at a time, days on end, with shredded cables, while listening to other men scream. For this, they are “sorry.” So what?