
The word on masculinity

I’ve got no problem with people wanting to ignore the fact that every civilization on the planet is defended by men. However, I take issue with feminists claiming that violence is a masculine trait. Note that I understand men use violence to protect others but that is not the type of violence feminists are referring to. They are talking about random and sadistic violence. They are talking about men who beat their wives and children simply because they can. Feminists put out commercials on national television, calling them “public service announcements”, which depict men beating women for spilling coffee and claim this scenario to be the norm for everyday families.

Got dick? Wave it in their faces

The obvious first place to look is male genital mutilation. Nothing says “I’m afraid of horny men” quite like lopping off most of their erogenous zones and turning them into face cream for rich old white chicks. There are few areas of social concern which so blatantly flaunt sexist double standards upheld by fear of male sexuality quite so clearly as in this instance.