Intersectional Feminism: What is it?
“Intersectional feminism is a conspiracy theory”
“Intersectional feminism is a conspiracy theory”
Michael Conzachi reports that the Marine Corps prepares to indoctrinate their members with politically correct re-programing to accept the opening of combat roles to women.
Andybob provides a lucid response to Tim Patten’s article “Angry Lesbians;” Complementary
Fed up with the current state of affairs, Jessie Jay makes her case for the “Backwardness of today’s Feminism
FemMyth Buster has a new YouTube channel with potential. Feminist Myth Busting in under two minutes
“I am not a feminist”
Is “L” the only letter in the new LGBT acronym? Some are trying like hell to make that happen
Lesbian violence and the hatred of men. Tim Patten does not assert that all or even most Lesbians are violent but discusses a vocal and present group of Radical Lesbian Feminists and their hatred of men.
Shoe0nHead takes apart feminism’s claim to be about equality
Articulate interview with Carlynn Sharpe, co-president of YESbody. Steve Brule and Carlynn discuss the fundamental differences and agreements between her organization and KSU men.