Search Results for: he for she

Women’s Sexual Peak Rests Atop a Pile of Lies

But of course, once you peel back the layers of victimized drivel and get to the core of the matter, you find that women drive themselves to do these things, biology leading them by the nose, because that is their quickest route to personal power, and because they don’t rise above it and find relevance in other ways.

On Jury Nullification and Rape

There are people that will react to this with outrage and indignation. “How could you?” they will demand, “How could you let someone walk when the evidence shows you that they have committed something as heinous as rape?!”

And the same people, after reading account after account of innocent men being imprisoned, raped, tortured; destroyed, on lies, will reveal the utter depravity of their indifference by refusing to face what is happening or acknowledge that it even matters.

An Open Letter to Sgt. Art Eld, Orlando Police Department

We will never know, Sergeant Eld, just how many men are languishing in prisons right now because a woman had consensual sex with them and later regretted it, or because, as we saw in the Hofstra case, a woman wanted to cover herself with her boyfriend- and because those types of claims are often treated by police as factual with no evidence. It is, just as the story said, an epidemic problem, and clearly not just with the women making the allegations.

CBS Takes Aim at Paul Elam- Shoots Self in Foot

But we damned well better be willing to take a look at the real problems of women as well. I have never made it a secret that I am no fan of what western women have become, but despite the television induced hysterical reaction of the occasional nitwit that wanders in here, it genuinely matters to me that they don’t come to harm.

Patriarchy for Dummies

Feminism only takes what is already there, the female drive to benefit from the power acquired by men, and takes it to the extreme level. In that light, feminism is an extreme that showed up in normal sexual life, just like a letter bearing a marriage proposal on death row.