Search Results for: he for she

Old Writer’s Guidelines

Please read this carefully and completely before submitting. A Voice for Men welcomes contributions from the larger community of men and women with something to say about most any aspect of the modern sexual zeitgeist.  Some basic requirements for submissions are as follows: You must know, or be willing to learn, how to post an …

Old Writer’s Guidelines Read More »

A Voice for Men Has a New Face and Feminism is a Communist Plot

Welcome to the recently overhauled A Voice for Men website.  The relaunch is an auspicious time to hone in again on the basic mission here. The purpose of this web site is to offer information, perspective, and most importantly direction for men living in the age of virulent misandry. The problems relate to feminist ideology, …

A Voice for Men Has a New Face and Feminism is a Communist Plot Read More »

Paul Elam

  First, please accept my thanks for visiting my website.  It is the product of two years of writing, and a half century of living, along with over twenty years as an observer and activist in the strange realm of socio-sexual politics.  I hope whatever sanity I have held on to from that has found …

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Jared White

I started my life as half of a stereotype. My parents divorced a few months before I was born so according to just about every sitcom and movie of the nineties, I was destined to be one of those men whose “father was never there.” Destined to be one of the stoic and immature man-children …

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Lucian Vâlsan

Having been born and raised in an Eastern European country, I’ve seen a lot of ugly stuff and I’ve seen what many have only read about in biased books. I come from a family where longevity is rather the norm. I’ve personally met one of my great-grandfathers, two great-grandmothers and both my maternal and paternal …

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Paul Elam

Being born in the mid 50?s, I grew up in a much different world than we live in today. My father was career military, serving faithfully through two wars and bearing the scars to prove it. My mother served as well, being an army wife and raising three boys. She earned a masters degree with …

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