It’s here. #MeToo #MenToo
Paul with an important announcement about the launch of a new website dealing with false allegations.
Paul with an important announcement about the launch of a new website dealing with false allegations.
A Voice for Men is proud to announce another addition to the staff of regular writers for this website. Actually, this is someone whose work has appeared here many times before, but now her work becomes an AVFM exclusive. Feminists have not even begun to shriek.
You might be wondering about now what has happened to the A Voice for Men website. Well, Paul Elam says, more than you might imagine. He explains why the new look and the new direction.
India is an important front in the fight for Men’s Rights. What we’ve seen from India? Insanely misandrist ideas like paying women to beat their husbands, refusing to feed impoverished men because they’re men and repealing laws to protect men and boys from female sexual predators. AVfM needs feet on the ground in India and those feet now belong to the very competent Anil Kumar. Join us in welcoming him!
JTO outlines changes to the submissions process. Specifically he is taking over for Paul as contributors’ point of contact with A Voice for Men and will be helping new contributors with the submissions process. Please update your contact information accordingly.
On Friday, May 10 at midnight, Central Time US, we will be deleting ALL articles in the admin which have been sitting in draft version more than 24 hours.We urge all contributors to check the admin and either trash or finish and submit articles you have there. Don’t let your work go to waste!
Recently the identity of a certain red headed bigmouth has been posted to the internet. Paul Elam is asking for your cooperation in not posting her personal information to this website. We oppose repression of free speech, not free speech itself. Let’s stay consistent and on our mission. Thanks
AVfM’s Nurdy Dancing delivers the site news
This weeks news with Nurdy Dancing
Due to complications unrelated to recent attempts at censorship and threats of violence by gender ideologues in Vancouver, the 23 September debate “Has feminism gone too far?” is being rescheduled.