The Bechdel Test, or how I learned to stop worrying about it and love character development
Catreece Macleod, as a writer, considers The Bechdel Test, and why the exercise is currently pointless, and what it would take to really make it relevant.
Catreece Macleod, as a writer, considers The Bechdel Test, and why the exercise is currently pointless, and what it would take to really make it relevant.
This piece was originally published on The Spearhead in 2010. –Ed Baghdad, Iraq, Spring 2004 “49 weeks down in this desert” said Ian to Elliot as they walked through the rail station on one of their last days of work before handing the reins over to their replacements. Just three weeks until their boots hit …
I could tell by the way these kids responded to me that every one of them was a damn fine kid just bleeding for some attention, and specifically from a father.
The fortress of Weinsberg and the brave women who saved their men.
We’re getting traction…
This is genuinely disturbing but Raging Golden Eagle makes a very good point about it.
Aimee Nicholls, another survivor of parental alienation, has some advice for this year
Basic principles of ethics and justice appear to need regular repetition. The General helps us out on that.