Golden age of the white knight
Was it gender feminists that created the message that men should shut up about their rights? Nope. It was a traditional message that just had the right kind of flair for feminists to use.
Was it gender feminists that created the message that men should shut up about their rights? Nope. It was a traditional message that just had the right kind of flair for feminists to use.
Roger Ebert sure has guts, to flatter his audience by telling them they’re better than anybody else. Flatter women and simultaneously denigrate men, it’s a new idea, a doggone revolution. Quack quack!
Female serial killers, despite popular perception, are no more unusual than male. We present the latest from scholar Robert St. Estephe, with a call for volunteers to help on a new project on The Uknown History of Misandry.
Luisa De Jesus was a child care worker. Apparently to her, though that meant killing them, which she did to at least 28 of them. Why? Because she had been paid in advance to take care of them and with their death also came the freedom to go “care”: for another child.
Rather than distancing themselves from murder and eugenics advocates, the SPLC appears to be maintaining and strengthening their relationship as long as a few dollars trickle in.
To put it simply, men look at porn to feel sexually desirable. Men pay strippers to get positive, sexualized attention from women. Men use prostitutes to feel like whole sexual beings. From JtO and TB.
Times have certainly changed since Errol Flynn was a leading man. And that may not be a good thing depending on how we see things portrayed in the movies between the sexes. Ethical writes.
Barry Nolan is just as happy as a pig in mud about being white and male. He knows it makes him special…privileged. Just like all white males. Maybe he is just full of shit.
Voting rights, or lack of them, are the quintessential piece of prima facie evidence of women’s oppression in the west. Feminists jingle them like a bloody set of chains. For B.R. Merrick, the sound has become empty and annoying.
Daddy Justice is a one man wrecking crew. His most recent FTSU moment comes with busting a corrupt judge, and yes, of course we have the video to prove it. Daddy Justice, AVfM salutes you. Keep up the fine work! What you do is worthy of wearing a mask and a cape.