The press release was picked up and redistributed by over 246 media outlets, including CNBC, Yahoo Canada Finance and an assortment of other media outlets, including several business journals.
The press release was picked up and redistributed by over 246 media outlets, including CNBC, Yahoo Canada Finance and an assortment of other media outlets, including several business journals.
A google search on Andrea Davio-Michaud, who was placed on the registry for a false accusation of rape, returned her listing at the very top of search results. The same is true for Liselle Ellis, false rape accuser.
The rage is present in these collaborators too, but buried behind the contradictory delusion that a “good man” is equivalent to a male accommodating of every childish female caprice. This anger, denied behind pretense, is most dangerous because it goes unaddressed
What Dr. Grohol is, in reality, is a pioneer of enabling child abuse and hiding it behind a thinly veiled facade of mental health services. If this seems implausible, please read on.
Renowned private investigator TJ Ward of the Natalie Halloway Aruba case conducted a two year investigation of the Filler rape case and called it a “fabrication,” publicly criticizing prosecutor Mary Kellett’s conduct
I have it on pristine authority that this is the email she uses for day to day business. Don’t ask me how I know that. Let us just say that as the movement grows, so does our reach. Let’s use it.
SAVE is launching CAMP on Monday, August 22. SAVE will be inviting persons to make comments to online newspaper articles, write letters to the editor, and so forth. This is a great opportunity.
Every signature on the Declaration of Independence came from a man who knew his actions were subject to lawful execution. Every signer, bar none, was a criminal.
If ever the people rise up in a single voice and say “enough,” they need to first consider who should be listening to them. The phantasm we refer to as the “Government” doesn’t really exist. Bureaucrats are another matter entirely.
Alek Novy set his personal business into the hole and went without sleep for more than a week so he could lead his team to AVfM 2.0 with his invaluable expertise as lead developer for the project. And there is more yet to come.