Men’s Issues

Pulling Back The Foreskin

It is curious to consider that rape for a woman does not represent a biological contradiction to her utility as it would and does for a male victim of rape. Yet we pay the male victim no fare. This ethical contradiction suggests that female rape may be better represented as a property crime. It may be better simply to issue rape insurance to women as some governments are now offering the payout. Once privatized, behaviors that may contribute to the occurrence can be scrutinized by female executive peers who may be wildly unimpressed with slut-walks and more diligent with their ethics.

The Indifference to Male Pain

The man’s name was Thomas Ball, and he doused himself in gasoline, then ignited himself on the steps of the courthouse in NH. Mr Ball chose to use his own self selected and agonizing death to focus public attention on the corruption of the family courts. He did this two days ago. And before just now, you have probably never heard of him. The mainstream media has no interest in human suffering, when it belongs to a man.