Prosecutor Mary Kellett Needs Your Help — To Leave Her Job
There is an election upcoming in Ellsworth, Maine, the site of so much interest to the issues faced by men in a legal system gone wrong. Whether you live there or not, you can help.
There is an election upcoming in Ellsworth, Maine, the site of so much interest to the issues faced by men in a legal system gone wrong. Whether you live there or not, you can help.
“Research” by Mary P. Koss of the University of Arizona decades ago began a campaign to define rape exclusively as “unwanted penetration” of any sort. Over the years this absurd definition has been used to support the notion that we live in a “rape culture.” But this wall of lies looks like it’s beginning to crumble.
When legal scholar Helen Reece had the nerve to inject empirical data, facts, and standard principles of law into the discussion of rape of women, feminists were outraged at her audacity. How dare that woman use logic and reason to make an argument! Burn the witch! Burn her!
The appallingly sexist and bigoted “Don’t be THAT guy” posters from Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton recently oozed onto the scene in Canada’s capital, Ottawa. AVfM’s Director of Activism recently did some postering of his own there. Jim Byset reports.
Dan Perrins recently sounded a warning on the pages of AVfM that if lawyers, social workers, vindictive exes, or any other people lie about men in court, he would expose their lies. Which brings him to the behaviour of Brantford lawyer David Maltby.
In a long but brilliant essay, Drs. Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young examine the religious, philosophical, and cultural roots of misandry, and its pervasiveness and effects on modern culture. Sit down to explore and digest this one, it’s long but worth your time.
Whatever your stance on firearm ownership, recent action by the Kentucky legislature should send a chill down your spine. What next, issuing man-hunting licenses to women as a new revenue stream for the state?
AVfM welcomes new contributor Barbara Kay, who calls “shenanigans!” on the gender ideologue notion that we live in a “rape culture” that normalizes sexual assault on women.
“Return of Kings” is a site devoted to the idea that manly men should be manly and do manly things. Sometimes they have interesting things to say. Sometimes, they’re just plain goofy. B.R. Merrick has a look at the soi-disant “Kings.”
Because we live in a rape culture that normalizes rape of women by men as a tool of oppression, liars don’t matter or, even if they do exist they’re so rare they should be ignored and not punished, right?