What’s a Mother to Do?
Doug Mortimer finds that those with a penchant for complaint are not easily satisfied.
Doug Mortimer finds that those with a penchant for complaint are not easily satisfied.
Those who allegedly care about men and their issues just as often feel the need to appeal to gynocentrism by saying how natural it is, so the need arises to eviscerate that notion once again. It’s time to remind everybody in the friendliest way I can of the following: you can’t fight gynocentrism by defending …
Natural Gynocentrism (or, the Appeal to Utter Mindlessness) Read More »
Did feminists inspire the “scientific” claim that humans are a gynocentric species?
With Lauren Southern recently placing herself in the spotlight by doing a hit piece on her ex husband, while lauding her own purity, we have another item to publish from 2021. –Ed. The phrase Southern Oscillation may not be familiar to many, especially those outside Australia. The Southern Oscillation is an atmospheric phenomenon in the …
With Lauren Southern recently placing herself in the spotlight by doing a hit piece on her ex husband, while lauding her own purity, we thought it would be a good time to republish this item from 2021. – Eds. The following is a transcript from my above video talk. – PE Hey guys, once …
In the past men were warned and taught about the possibility of being cuckolded. In the highly developed societies of today, men are disparaged for showing any concern over the possibility.
It took two months exactly to finally come up with a response to Christina Hoff Sommers and her co-host for their Femsplainers episode “I Was Falsely Accused of Rape” simply because like anybody trying to be productive, I keep busy and otherwise I had been trying to figure out how to articulate it. Here is …
Christina Hoff Sommers: Men’s Rights is ‘Taking it a Bit Far’ Read More »
Following his wife’s lead, Barack Obama continues to hate on men and flatter women..