
When female privilege backfires

Women are oppressed in Islamic nations like Afghanistan, huh? Well as is so often the case, gynocentric attitudes frequently prevent us from looking at the situation through the lens of both sexes. Contributing Editor Karen Straughan, in her calm fact-and-logic based manner, eviscerates and challenges things even many men’s advocates believe. It just ain’t so simple.[Illustration by Typhonblue]

Ally Fogg: liar’s harem

Ally Fogg, an alleged advocate for men and boys, has penned an article over at “Free” Thought Blogs about domestic violence in which he attacks false feminist scholarship, the false paradigm of male only perpetration, and then goes on the attack against one of the few places talking openly and regularly about the problem. [Illustration by Typhonblue]

UK Feminists: Let's Keep Women out of Prison

Feminists claim they want equality, but British feminists in particular lately have been brazenly arguing that women should be given special preferential treatment in the prison system. Michael Reed takes a look at this disgusting hypocrisy and sexist double standard that, once again like so many feminist ideas, demonizes men and infantalizes women.

The Battle Of The Beavers

Are there any matters between male and female human beings over which feminists have not managed to screw the pooch? Well, we are waiting. What’s that? You don’t have an answer? Well, Neither does Diana Davison. As a matter of fact, according to Diana, they have even screwed up screwing.

Finding some feminists annoying = kitten killer

Glen Poole recently made the mistake of actually trying to point out a feminist thinker who had something positive to say about men and boys, to acknowledge misandry and matriarchal power, and was unsurprisingly dismissed by self-righteous male feminists. But can we really believe he doesn’t kill kittens?

What’s under the mini-skirt of "SheZow?"

Discovery Communications and Hasbro, Inc., have teamed up to bring you “The Hub” a children’s cable channel geared up to make your little grrl feel spehully empowered and your boy like a piece of garbage. So go on, mindless consumer American, plop your children down in front of this agitprop and head off to the promise mall. Your kids are in good hands.

PZ Myers jokes about rape

PZ Myers, no stranger to fuckwitery, really pulls out all the stops in this latest stunt. While having one of his blow-hard online discussions, this one about the Facebook censorship campaign, PZed actually tells a rape joke during a discussion on how to censor other people for doing the same. Fuck you, PZed.