Why Still a Feminist: A Question for Christina Hoff-Sommers
Someone we’ve long been a fan of, Christina Hoff-Sommers, has an answer to a question she gets a lot.
Someone we’ve long been a fan of, Christina Hoff-Sommers, has an answer to a question she gets a lot.
Dean Esmay’s recent interview on Fox 2 News, Detroit raised several questions for public discussion, not least of which is the need to talk about the welfare of men and boys, and of the frustration of that goal by ruthless feminist ideologues. Jack Goodfellow shares his thoughts on the interview.
From Germany, Dr. Gerhard Amendt contributes a scathing indictment of the modern domestic violence zeitgeist in that nation. It is a paradigm precisely mirrored across western culture. He includes proposals for a revamped approach to the problem.
The campaign to introduce the Swedish model on prostitution into Irish Law is an effort to target all men who are sexually active, says David Walshe of Men’s Human Rights Ireland.
Christina Hoff-Sommers does a great job of taking apart common feminist myths. This time she takes on the “rule of thumb.”
Even the staff at AVFM was surprised at the level of depravity that some feminists are willing to sink to in order to silence those they oppose. Advocates from across the world ask you to not let that happen.
Please sign this important petition to help spread fear and loathing of a peaceful nonviolent civil and human rights movement. For the sake of the children!
The social double standard illustrated by concern over violence against women is a part of traditional culture. Feminism did not “create” this, but feminism most certainly feeds upon it, and grows fat upon it, and wouldn’t long survive without it.
It appears that ex-PUA Elliot Rodger is a mass-murderer. Who does the Establishment try to blame for this? Fidelbogen explains.
If you’re going to engage with an opponent who has no respect for decency or fairness, you may need to shift tactics–or as Jack Outis suggests, tictacs.