The Red Pill Movie coming to Edmonton
Watch out Canada, some serious truth coming your way.
Watch out Canada, some serious truth coming your way.
As part of AVfM’s history month (October) we are republishing a few classics. This is one of Karen Straughan’s most famous works.
Men’s Human Rights Advocates seek to bring awareness about men’s vulnerabilities in a society driven largely by feminist narratives. Alison Tieman explains the dynamics in this video with the help of a few magnets.
Justice for Men and Boys founder Mike Buchanan doing what he does so well.
Rape law and the double bind of Feminist theory
Has misandry become so widespread that it is acceptable in the mainstream? James Jackson provides us with some disturbing examples
This is what feminism looks like. A complete and total fail.
Feminism is a supremacist movement
Feminists are good at telling lies but not in making myths. The always helpful August Løvenskiolds shows them the difference.
Just how feminist are you? August Løvenskiolds puts a feminist test under his baleful male gaze.